Tag Archives: moon

Miss Moonlight

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she is the Unique One
with eyes of grief
like an angel transpiring from darkness
delicately plucking a harp
spreading love of a new beginning
her echoes float amongst the stars
surviving as wishes

earthlings write poetry
we catch burst of light
astounded by every glimpse

1. A Surreal Prose Poem – Lillian Hallberg
2. Seeking Flares of Hope – Paul Vincent Cannon
3. Adrift – kittyverses
4. A Poet’s Monologue at Midnight – Sanaa Rizvi
5. Night Sky – Rog
6. Impatient Soul – Dwight Roth
7. Future Lawns – Denise DeVries
8. Heights- Reena Saxena
9. Other Worldly- Grace
10. Moon’s Mystique- V. Sparrow

Image by Michael Conway from Pixabay


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merely freckles we are

from the moon’s point of view

with a one-eyed squint

her telescope drawn

pondering our purpose

 where we went wrong

does she feel the love drift

from the earth to the sky

resisting the hatred

does it make her cry?



A quadrille poem of 44 words, including the word “freckle”.

Join in the fun at dVerse Poets Pub where I am pleased to be your host.

Doors open at 3 p.m. EST.




Dear Luna

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Into the night I wait for muse of moon

The stars arrange a symphony of silence

I tinker, tally words and thoughts but soon

Dear Luna slips between the haze, defiant


From hinterland the owl bestows a hoot

That echoes in the forests of my mind

I wait for inspiration to take root

As Luna slumbers deep beneath the skies


When midnight mocks the cursor on my page

I revel in the balladry unborn

Though constellations, cryptic they may fade

‘Tis hope that lights the way of the forlorn


Dear Luna stirs behind her quilt of clouds

She scatters dreams for me to read aloud



Written for “Poetry Forms”, a dVerse Poets Pub project.

This is my offering of a sonnet in Shakespearean style. The rhyme scheme is ABAB CDCD EFEF GG.  The structure consists of 3 quatrains, followed by one couplet. The “volta” occurs in the 12th line . I focused on the iambic pentameter and rhyme. Quite the challenge. You can learn more about this form as Bjorn describes in further detail here.

































Under the Same Moon

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I stand starstruck

Inhaling the unknown

Surrendering all that is logical

To Luna’s light

You pinpoint planets

That I’ll never know

That I’ll never remember

And never want to

Moon Trippin’

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Supermoon sent us scrambling to the nearest park for open ground. Cameras in hand, we had visions of something extraordinary. The awe came when I did not focus on or with my camera but stood with mind silenced, tracing her perfection. I imagined some funky God of Geometry with a giant compass and extremely steady hands, carving our cosmic muse into carbon paper skies. He didn’t know her beauty until the asteroids and meteorites chiseled her barren cheeks and the sun dazzled her silly.

We heard the unmistakable howl of a coyote in the nearby woods. Believing in the myth added to the ambience.  I became lost in the mystery of moon tides and the depths of craters. I wondered where I stood with her in astrological terms, being born on the first day of the whole zodiac. I am clearly a beginning…to something.  Her porcelain face revealed no secrets. With fuzzy photos, we turned to go home. She followed,  her golden light gushing over darkened streets.  I drank her energy, let her sparkle my spirit one more time, just in case I would not see her Supermoon magic again.


sun in Scorpio

stars of Aries kiss Luna

November clouds drift



Written for dVerse, “Haibun Monday: You say it’s your birthday?” Toni is back and she has given us options for this haibun challenge. “You have three choices:  birthday, full moon, or combine the two.” Check it out. There’s still time to join in!




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I am a speck

In the float of fairy dust

Swept in spirals

Iridescent futility

Give me some gusto


The sun dazzles me dizzy

On cloudy days

My eyes tire of the roll


My firefly flicker is

          S-l-o-w-l-y   f-a—-ding

While you dangle, debonair

Among the diamonds

You and your crescent grin



Written for Lill’s poetic prompt, “Razzle Dazzle Me!”.  Not feeling very sparkly lately. Thought I’d blame it on the moon.


Image credit: pixabay.com


Dear Moon

Posted on

October 139


If you are so authentic
Then why are you so mystical?
Caught between the muse
Of actual and magical

If you are so luminous
They why am I so blind
To a beauty so timeless
Celestial, sublime?

Undeniable and present
So classically placed
Are you oblivious to lovers
In awe of your face?

Moon beams and the man
It’s almost clichéd
Are you amused that I assume
That you will light my way?


Grace has us musing at the moon for Poetics. I wouldn’t normally re-post a poem, but I don’t believe I have shared this one with dVerse.  C’mon over. Be inspired by the moon and some amazing poetry.

Head Trip

Posted on

September 2015 217


Her thoughts drifted
With shaving cream clouds
Reshaping themselves
Like her dreams

Baby blue backgrounds
Beckoned her
Softer landings
Welcomed her
With raspberry tarts
And bubble milk tea

Embracing the orb of night
She took to the sky

S   l   o   w   l   y

Rising gracefully
To the stars




De is hosting over at dVerse Poets Pub today. We are writing quadrilles of exactly 44 words incorporating the word “bubble”. Fun stuff!

Dear Moon,

Posted on

October 139

If you are so authentic
Then why are you so mystical?
Caught between the muse
Of actual and magical

If you are so luminous
They why am I so blind
To a beauty so timeless
Celestial, sublime?

 Undeniable and present
So classically placed
Are you oblivious to lovers
In awe of your face?

Moon beams and the man
It’s almost clichéd
Are you amused that I assume
That you will light my way?

Moon gazing….

Posted on

As I pondered what to write in my first attempt at blogging, I looked to the moon. This morning, I woke up to it’s powerful yet peaceful glow.  While it shone vibrantly making shadows with the massive old trees in my yard, I was thinking how we don’t really appreciate it’s light. It was eerie and beautiful at the same time and I wished I could just stay home and admire it for writing inspiration. Unfortunately, star gazing or “moon gazing” doesn’t pay the bills so I reluctantly got ready for work.

It’s been a long weekend, not literally but emotionally as I had to say good bye to my four legged friend of seventeen years. The moon made me think of him….how sometimes I would take him out early in the morning and be surprised to see a perfectly circular globe  staring down at us. I think he liked those spooky shadows on the grass. In the end, the sun was not his friend as it made him flinch due to poor eye sight. I’ll miss my friend, his innocent eyes and his not so innocent personality. At the end of his journey on this earth, he mustered up a howl. Maybe he was howling at the moon. I hope he’s dancing under it now.